
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Travel etiquette (body language)

The people expect to see lots of kisses on the cheeks. Teddy bear hugs between men who are good friends and lingering handshakes. Italian men may walk arm-in-arm, as may women. Pushing and shoving in busy places is not considered rude, so don’t be offended by it. Try to stand your ground and not topple over. The Italian body language vocabulary is is quite extensive, but the pictures may be useful for you when you travel over to Italy:

Moroccan greetings can last as long as 10 minutes. Shake with your right hand then touch your heart, to indicate that its coming from your heart; you mean it. Good friends may tack on up to four air kisses, accompanied by a stream of well wishes: ‘How are you doing? Everything’s good with you? I hope your parents are well? Baraka (blessings) upon them!